Thursday, May 8, 2008

radiohead? really?

today is the Radiohead show in Atlanta - only four hours away. Tim is attending with his entire posse. Melanie has two extra tickets and invited El and I, however, they both have to work today, so I am listening to them instead. I will take a long nap, wake and clean, figure out how to get to the bank, if there is a bank, head to Rocketown for a bbq, possibly a movie, and that will be the events of the day, unless if they turn out to be crazier than that.

Work has been hard. Starbucks is a place that I really loved working [for two long years] but I had hoped I would never work there again. Not that I dislike it, but I had hoped my time would be done. I had hoped that I would find a job elsewhere and be able to work there and love it and enjoy it for a time - make more money perhaps. I am waiting for that opportunity. I want Rocketown to be my main focus, but like Ellie said "Starbucks is your job" Rocketown is not my official job until June (oh Lord, bring June quickly). I am hoping and dreaming that Rocketown finds an opening where I can work full time for the summer, but I can't place anything in that, it'd just be nice. So until then I am becoming my own coach and talking to myself preping my mind and heart for work, daily, hourly, even minutely sometimes.

I know that this, Nashville/Rocketown, is where I am supposed to be. It is going to be hard, but I am asking the Lord for an abundance of grace and supernatural energy and strength to get through the days to come.

Last night was the first night of soccer for the summer - unfortunately I haven't played in years, so I am going to have to brush up on my skills and play so that I can play on Wednesday nights. Kids from the Y came [refugees, I was told], a few skate kids, kids who don't like going home, or can't, Kent and Ben, who were hilarious to watch play, but definitely both good, and a few soccer girls. Overall, soccer games are going to be intense and good. Ben said Ellie was so intense last year that she ripped off a guys toenail in route of the game - I'm sure there are many many more stories that will be so good to hear about Ellie and years prior.

I got my first piece of mail yesterday, but Mark still has it, so... until I receive that mail I will not be on the internet as often as I would like, and when I do, I will get a library card!

Nights are lonely here. I don't want to feel like Ellie's shadow, I want to build her and encourage her and love her, but have other people view me as my own person. In time. In time. I just have to keep trusting and waiting and going on and loving and eventually things will pull together even more than they are. I'll be able to get to more places that 4. I am currently in need of getting some things fixed on my car, so when that happens, I am excited for, but I am waiting for one of Ellie's friends. And last but not least I need to get a shift covered next week so I can spend time with my future coworkers.

Unfortunately, this is not as interesting as they will become, but while things are slower, this is what I've got. I'll document more, when there's more to document.

i miss family. i miss friends.
people here are a blessing. i thank God for ellie, for her sharing this place with me, these people. we will see what God has in store.

now however, the 3:45a wake up is catching up with me and I am in serious need of a nap. so. peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am excited for you,
and i will be praying.
God will bless your obedience to follow him to nashy nash.
great things are in store im sure of it.