Thursday, May 29, 2008

Monet to Dali

Caitlin is here.

We are adjusting to one another, but thus far, I love her being here. Our apartment is a home now. Even though I have to make sure that if someone knocks on the door I'm prepared to let them know that I am Mark's girlfriend and he is at work right now.

Speaking of Mark... he's letting us use his ultra comfy futon for the summer! We're picking it up tomorrow, along with a free coffee table (possibly a tv stand too), and a couch for about $15. Our friend Ben is letting us use his truck in exchange for a homemade meal at the house. Sleepover season is at hand.

As time goes on I am becoming more and more comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming. I have never felt as much myself as I do here, nor have I ever felt as at home so quickly in a different place than I do here.

I was telling Kent [my boss] of how I feel so blessed here. I feel like everyone has willingly and graciously accepted me and loved me. They treat me like I have been there for months, and I have to admit, I have found great friends. Friends that take me to new places, and discover with me the places that have become cobwebs in their minds, only because I've never been there before. They've taken me on last summer's adventures and told me how they look forward so much so to these adventures this summer. They've made way for visits to Waffle houses at odd hours, to the Frist, to The End, Dragon Park (where I revisited my fear of heights), and drives that require only music and no conversation. I have truly found great friends, I could not ask for anything better.

Today we went to the Frist. The Frist is the art museum in downtown Nashville. Joey's dad is the curator. The exhibit Monet to Dali there (and will be leaving the first). So in the last hour of open doors we explored a little - it was free college student day, Praise the Lord (Cait and I are both... well not real wealthy). Meandering around I knew I would find something that would make me stand in my tracks, almost bring me to tears, an overwhelming emotion that I am never really sure what to do with. I stood in front of a Van Gogh - the Poplar Trees. It was beautifully crafted and elegant and careless, yet filled with every bit of attention Vincent could have given it. And in That moment I wondered why I haven't pursued painting. In the very next moment I was empowered to do everything I ever wanted to do. Pursue my dreams. Be that girl and lady and woman of courage and dignity, originality, individuality, and filled with love and grace, saved and loving others that I want to be. I realized that I can be a photographer. I can be anything I want. I can go to grad school for something other than photography, who cares. At the same time, I can do what I want, what I feel like God is calling me to do. What I feel like I've been created to do. I love it. I love life. I love life here, in Nashville.

I can't wait to see how you all have changed and how you all are learning, because I am excited for you to see who I am becoming.

i love you.

1 comment:

Michael Henry said...

I am excited to see who you will have become by the next time I see you.

Don't be scared or nervous about where you are going, embrace the changes, the transitions, the removing of sheets off of old furniture to reveal that those things that have been there all along have been protected from the dust and cobwebs, waiting for you to let some sunlight shine on them.

Love you Kam, and I am so excited for everything you are learning and experiencing.

Grace and peace my friend.
- Mikey