Thursday, February 25, 2010


this week was my first week working for & with sarah barlow.

it really is fantastic how much we get done together, however i have come to the sad realization that i have the attention span of a 4 year old. every two hours, on the dot, i lose complete focus and need a change (scenery, ideas, anything). its more like i need recess. if only adult life provided me with a giant swingset and playground to go and let out 15 minutes of stircrazy per two hours..... then again, maybe recess for me is what i'm pursuing.

in which case, being between 2 & 6 years old makes me right on target. and the attention span, we're just going to have to learn a good system for that.

as for everything else in my life...... ay, car problems, always. starting to pay my loan back next month. but, work is, good. both works. however, my room is suffering, and my sleep schedule.

and chachi keeps acting up.

so i guess we all need the sun and warm weather so everyone, including chachi, can have a little recess.

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