Thursday, April 23, 2009

dear eloquence

i am not eloquent. i wish that i was, however, i often get tangled and caught up and tripped over my words. and when it comes down to it i just need to forget that it happens and move right along, just own that embarrassment (rather, that characteristic that i hold). and when i own it, people notice less. that is beautiful. some people are cruel and point it out, but the people who are truly kind allow me to take my time and are patient with my words.

moving along .

i love that the lord reveals things to us even when we are not acting in a proper way (i really mean appropriate, not stiff back and tight words). it always amazes me how much i learn when i make the mistakes -or- when i am in a situation that is not the best, rather than being told how things work.

i now understand that charm is deceptive. i now understand how important integrity is and how much i desire that. instead of, for so long, being told to want a man full of integrity, i now understand the beauty of that quality.

the Lord allows grace and love to be poured fourth in the shittiest and silliest of situations and i truly appreciate that, not just appreciate that but i am humbled and in awe of that. love is the base of everything. therefore i need to put away my judging, snobbish attitude, quit being an ass and just really live that love. i am just as worse off as any other. take the love, allow it to wash over you and pour on out of you. amen and amen.

you lost 20 points. then i lost 20 points. then you gained 30 points (because the lose of the first 20 wasn't necessarily the fairest). so now you're just 30 points ahead. sorry & congrats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lovin wat you say about true. miss you kam - cant wait to see your beautiful face when i visit the great nash